
What Do Men Find Attractive In Women?

Let’s get real ladies about dating. You want to date someone that you are totally attracted to, right?  I am sure that men feel the same. Have you been on a date and felt yourself wondering if he really is interested in you? Well, this is something that shouldn’t be a question. From the first moment he lays eyes on you, you should be able to feel his magnetism.
That’s why I can not stress enough about how important image is when dating. Think about the type of man you want to impress. Then think of the type of man you don’t want to impress. Let me give you an example that will help you a bit. Let’s say you meet a man on a blind date. The guy who greeted you wore back boots, black torn pants, a black shirt with a picture of a skull on it, spiked jewelry, multiple piercing, tattoos all over his body, and a shaved head. Now, you may like this type of man, but most women who are looking to get into a relationship with a professional gentleman, probably wouldn’t view this guy as an ideal match.
Here’s another example. Let’s say you went on a blind date with a lawyer. Most lawyers have a polished look. Their image is clean cut and usually well-groomed. Now, if you went on a blind date with a man whose image resembled that of a lawyer, you would probably put forth more effort to make the date the best ever, hopes that he invites you out again; of course providing his character matches his gentleman like image.
What Do Men Find Attractive in Women?
Studies indicate that attraction of one person to another is based on 75% image. That’s why first impressions are so important to get right. If you’ve heard the saying, “It’s the girl that makes the outfit, not the outfit that girl makes the girl.” Forget it. A man will judge you solely on what you are wearing; quickly. Therefore, you don’t want the outfit you wear to give the wrong impression. Dressed improperly could portray that you are a woman who lacks self esteem, organization, or that you just don’t care about your appearance or the date itself. So, now do you see how important image really is?
When deciding what to wear on a date, the best advice I can give is to find something that looks feminine (with just a hint of cleavage) and that you feel comfortable in. Trust me when I say that when you look confident, comfortable and most of all, sexy, your aura resonates and he will notice something is different about you; at first glance.
Your cloths tell a lot about you. They tell your personality; your style; the kind of person you are, and your image type. So, you’ll want to make sure that you show that you are “The ONE.”  Now that you’ve got your look together, you can be more focused on enjoying your date.
Being truly happy in any relationship begins with you. It would take much more room than we have here to fully explain them all. Fortunately, there is a great resource you can visit to get all the sassy and fabulous information you need. Get free tips on how you can create a fabulous new you, while attracting men in the process.


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