Seeking for you
Without any clue
Like ones chase their dream
Which hasn’t come true?
Yes you are my dream untold
Don’t know what future hold
Hoping somewhere in future
‘We’ stand
holding each other hand
Where “we” word means more
Than “I” and “You”
Somewhere where walking on path of air
I can see your face everywhere
Somewhere where togetherness
Fills our world
With the Joy and love
That’s flow from our heart seeing above
Lilting the lamp of life in each other heart
With a glow that we follow
That speak a language that we know
Yeah that’s a thought unspoken
Or my imagination
I can’t figure that out
But it’s a feeling deep inside
Which always poke me like a tide
Yes you are my dream untold
Which I want to hold back
In my life
as you are in my thought
In my heart and eye
Yes you are completing the
Greatest story which is incomplete
Story which ‘we’ will write
In which our love
Is the most important part
Just waiting for you
To give it a start
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