
Top 10 Human Living With Unusual Pet...

Anyone willing to stay with an unusual pet together with more than a year? Or even an animal that might harm you such as tiger, scorpion and so on? YES!! There are a lot of amazing people living with those animal now. Jungle Book in real life? Let’s check it out!
1 ) Shaun Ellis Lives with Wolf
Shaun Ellis is a wolf behavior expert who conducts research in a unique and sometimes controversial way: by living with the wolves and becoming part of their world. Throughout his life, he has dedicated much of his time to studying and researching the behavior of wild wolves by living among them, which has given him one-of-a-kind insight into the complex society of the wolf. By being closer to wolves than nearly anyone else in the world, he has learned a language unlike any other.
Ellis is the author of The Wolf Talk (Rainbow Publishing, 2003), and Spirit of the Wolf (Parragon Publishing, 2006). He frequently speaks about his work on television and at public events. He also advises other wildlife centers that maintain wolf packs.
Ellis is determined to keep living with wolves. It has cost him his family and home — his partner and four children left him because of his total dedication to wolves. But he truly believes he can make a difference.
2 ) The Tiger Monk
Since its opening Wat Pa Luangta Bua gained a reputation as a wildlife sanctuary. It started with an injured wild fowl given to the monk by the villagers, then peacocks came attracted by the calls of by then rather large colony of wild fowl. An injured wild boar stumbled in to the monastery and the monks cared for him until he could be released back into the forest. The next day he came back followed by his family group of about 10 animals. By now a countless number of boar find shelter in the monastery.
Villagers also started to bring in unwanted pets: four species of deer moved in, followed by buffalo, cow, horses, wild goat and gibbons. All these animals are roaming the grounds of the monastery freely.  The first tiger cub arrived to the monastery in February 1999. It was a female cub of Indochinese subspecies (Tigris corbetti) and her condition was very poor. When she was only a few months old her mother was killed by poachers near the Thai-Burma border. The cub was sold to and the new owner ordered her stuffed.
A local was hired to do the job, which fortunately he did not finish. Although he injected her in the neck with the preservative formalin the cub survived. When she arrived to the to the monastery she was frail and terrified of a slightest sound. She still has stitches in the cuts on her head. Her vision was impaired and her teeth were already worn, particularly the fangs, which appeared as if they have been filed down to the gum, blood oozing from the roots. Eating was a difficult task for her – she could hardly move her tongue, chew and swallow her food.
Inspite of her condition she has never once attacked anyone. Under loving care of the monks the cub recovered, but in July 1999 she fell seriously ill with heart palpitations and died.
3 ) Tippi, the modern Jungle Book
For 10 years Tippi wandered the Namibian bush dressed only in a loincloth befriending the ferocious animals and the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Tippi now lives in Paris. She returns to her childhood. She is a bridge between two cultures. We will show Tippi in her current life situation, as a teenager in Paris, her surrounding, her dreams and visions, her return to Africa and her meeting new and old friends – i.e. the African elephant and the Bushmen.
4 ) Kevin Richardson who swims with Lion
Animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson raises and interacts some of the most dangerous animals known to man.
With his unusual methods, he has developed some exceptionally personal bonds with his students, playing, sleeping and even swimming with animals. Taking a well deserved swim in the Crocodile River, just south of the Magaliesburg mountains, Mr Richardson, 34, was joined by Meg the lioness.
Weighing a staggering 185 kg this boisterous tawny lioness playfully splashed around with the experienced behaviourist.
“We went swimming purely for Meg’s enrichment,” Mr Richardson said. “That’s one of the reasons I believe my animals are so relaxed.
5 ) Chito, having a crocodile as his buddy
Known as the ‘Crocodile Man’, Costa Rican animal lover ‘Chito’ swims, plays and even feeds ‘Pocho’ the giant  crocodile in what is one of the world’s most unlikely friendships.  Wading chest-deep through the green water in a 100 sq/m lake in Siquirres, this bizarre and dangerous spectacle draws tourists from around the world.  Calling quietly for his five metre long ‘companion’ before thrashing around, lifting his tail and head above the water. ‘This is a very dangerous routine but Pocho is my friend and we have a good relationship,’ says 52-year-old Chito.
‘He will look me in the eye and he does not attack me.  ‘It is too dangerous for anyone else to come in the water. It is only ever the two of us.’  The bizarre friendship began nearly 20 years ago when Chito rescued the 980-pound crocodile after finding him close to death on the shore of the Parismina River, in the Caribbean province of Limsn.
6 ) Charlie Vandergaw who created “Save Bear Heaven”
Save Bear Haven was created by a group of individuals who wish to support Charlie Vandergaw in his legal conflict with the State of Alaska. Bear Haven—as Charlie calls his 40 acres—is located in the Susitna Valley about 50 miles from Anchorage. For over 20 years, he has co-existed peacefully with the black and grizzly bears who approached him first at Bear Haven.
On May 23, 2009, the Alaska Fish and Game charged Charlie Vandergaw with 20 misdemeanor counts of illegally feeding game, with penalites that include a possible one-year sentence in jail and up to $10,000 in fines.  It was only in January 2008 that Charlie’s way of living with bears, including feeding, legally became a criminal activity.
While officials deny any connection, we believe the law was changed in anticipation of the State’s action against Charlie. Charlie is challenging these charges as well as the constitutionality of the relevant state regulations. Hunting regulations have also been changed, and bears are under siege as never before.
7 ) Angela Goodwin who sleeps with anteater
The animal lover has built up a wardrobe of outfits for her long-snouted friend Pua and often cuddles up with her at bedtime – provided her pet hasn’t kipped down in the washing machine first. ’I started putting little sweaters on Pua and she didn’t seem to mind – anteaters adapt very well,’ said the writer.  ‘She talked her way into sleeping in bed with me in a couple of weeks and now she likes to lie in the washing machine.’
Ms Goodwin has kept Tamandua anteater Pua since rescuing her from Guyana in South America three years ago.  She owned another one, Stewie, before but did years of research before taking on Pua and her complex dietary needs – which include beef and spinach but not ants.
8 ) China woman having a 200 pounds wild boar as her pet
China Zhejiang woman raised wild boar as her pet. It is reported that this “pet” is 200 pounds. It grows up by drinking a can of RMB 300 ($46.3) milk powder and it likes vegetables. Imagine normally people having a stroll with the dog, but she can have a stroll with a wild boar! Cool!
9 ) Thailand’s Centipede King and Scorpion Queen
Thailand’s self-proclaimed “Scorpion Queen” has set a new world record by holding a live seven-inch scorpion in her mouth for just over two minutes.  In a feat worthy of the reality television programme I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, Kanchana Kaetkaew, 39, allowed her husband, Boonthawee Siangwong, to place the writhing poisonous arachnid on her tongue, where it stayed for two minutes and three seconds before she spat it out.
Her proud husband – known as Thailand’s “Centipede King” – looked on as Miss Kaetkaew, dressed in a white dress covered with more of the stinging creatures, made her record attempt in front of a crowd at a shopping centre in Pattaya, a city on the Gulf of Thailand known for its nightlife and cabaret.
Miss Kaetkaew remains ambitious for more records and, for her next stunt, she is planning to live in a glass compound for 33 days and nights in the company of 5,000 scorpions.  If successful, she will beat her 2002 record of 32 days in a glass house with 3,400 scorpions. Her husband set a Thai record for enduring 28 days with 1,000 centipedes.
10 ) Jackie Bibby “bathing” with snakes for 45 minutes
This photo released by the Guinness World Records shows Jackie Bibby in a see-through bathtub with 87 rattlesnakes, in Dublin, Texas, Monday, Nov. 5, 2007. Bibby spent about 45 minutes in the tub shattering his own record by 12 snakes(Agencies)


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