
Mother bears a 'baby' for over 30 years...!

Rare things happen to make us realize the peculiarities of nature. A woman gets pregnant and delivers a baby after nearly 9 months of pregnancy. But can you believe a woman delivering a child nearly after 30 to 35 years of bearing the child in her body!

   This bizarre incident happened in Mahaboobnagar in AP. A woman patient by name Ananthamma, aged about 70 years has joined a private hospital complaining of stomach pain. She was examined and after due tests she was diagnosed as carrying a 'stone baby'. Surgery was undertaken and a stone baby weighing about 2 kgs was taken out. Doctors are of the opinion that the mother was carrying the baby in her body for over 30 to 35 years of time. The baby had hands, head and legs but all were calcified together. Doctors say that there are only 300 such cases in the recorded history and this one is 301st in the last 400 years.

   A stone baby is said to develop when a pregnancy fails but the fetus still remains in the mother's body without getting aborted from inside. This is medically termed as 'Lithopedion', In normal conditions, after a pregnancy fails, the remains of the child are aborted. But when the remains of the child are not aborted, much of the remains get absorbed by the body of the mother. In rare cases like this one, the remains may settle elsewhere in the body of the mother and calcium may get deposited around that, leading to remains getting calcified. The calcified child may remain in mother's body for years together.

   Ananthamma was carrying her stone baby for years together and strangely enough she gave birth to a live baby afterwards also. Strange are the ways of nature!!


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