
Easy Quit Smoking

Smoking is harmful to health activities. Whether it's with yourself or others. People who inhale smoke directly is usually referred to as active smokers. Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus. Therefore, smokers who still have a sense of health care for themselves usually have a desire to stop smoking.

Here's how to / tips to stop smoking:

1. Move / redirects all items related to smoking.

Items such as ashtrays, lighters will only remind you to smoke.

2. Make friends with people who have successfully quit smoking.

It is hoped you will be able to share tips most powerful of them to quit smoking.

3. Tell people at seliling you if you intend to quit smoking.

Tell your friends, family and others when you resolve to quit smoking was unanimous. So, in addition to those who still smoke to feel ashamed of smoking in front of you will also get the support that makes you feel not alone so there is incredible power to manifest your desires it.

4. Try carrying a mint.

If you feel like smoking appears, try ants candy in your pocket. Hopefully, the candy you'll be able to reduce cigarette cravings.

4. If dying for a smoke postpone a few minutes until the desire is gone.

If you still want to smoke, inhale deeply through your mouth, then remove it gently with your lips narrow. Repeat 5-10 times.

5. Get in the habit of smoking while drinking, either coffee or iced.

If you've used to smoke was accompanied by coffee or ice like me, so if there is no smoking drinks too lazy.

7. Stop the habit of waiting or idle without activity.
Usually smokers prefer smoking kills his spare time. As soon as there is no activity, direct deh tuh open his pack of cigarettes.

8. Buy cheap cigarettes

Usually when people who are used to smoke a good cigarette and a cigarette when smoking with something unpleasant will feel itching in the throat and not like there is a sense in the tongue, tasteless. This is expected to reduce the intensity of smoking.


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