
Stop pollution and save nature...

Save Nature !! Save Us !! Save our Future !! 

Is Ganges Pure any longer ?

As per The Hindu Mythology, Ganga is called the purest river in the world .But the industrialization and development is leading to a mess for this river. The Poor maintenance and delayed work has Depreciated the quality of the water in which many of us in East India depend. Deforestation in the mountains causing loosening of the soil which flows down as Silt to finally settle at the bottom of the river . A number of programs as usual but was ineffective . the reduced depth of Ganga is leading to break of the Inner Bank ,this has happened in the neighboring villages in the recent past.

People Dumping P bags and Garbage accumulates in the riverside and Gets decomposed and enters the water again. Dead bodies of men are also let in the holy river, that of the saints. Factories Waste products also guided into the River. The situation is pretty serious if we can see through the future . These pollution will lead to the destruction in the balance in the nature and will cause serious disease outbreak in the future .
We must remember that All Is Related !!

We must not forget that “ To Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction “ . We , the most intelligent creature of the world often forget that our mother nature is trying to act as a Buffer to absorb every ill-effect of our actions but there will be a time when she will let loose all her anger and we won’t have any place to hide !! .

People are Bathing !! Garbage dumped in both the side of the Bank !!

Waste products floating in the River !

Its now or Never !! Its Today or now !! We need to do something for us !! We must put our acts together before its too Late !!


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