
The 7 most unlucky people in the world...

The fate, while some people coming and knocking on the door ...
too often forgets the others for years. Sometimes they do not remember ever.
1.) Ann Hodges
Why is unfortunate:  It is the only person who has been hit by a meteor!

The  Hodja If  (1923 - 1972) from the Sylacauga Alabama, became famous when, on November 30, 1954, spread out laundry and saw the sun setting in the east. Returning to the west half and saw the sun in a normal position. 
Turned out that the first sun was a meteor who actually broke into pieces. A fragment pierced the roof and one wounded in the legs. It is the only person who has been hit by a meteorite in history. 
The meteorite is now in the museum of natural history of Alabama. However, before coming here has caused many problems in Hoxha. 
The U.S. Air Force went to the spot and seized. A few years later and after the litigation regained but the publicity and persistent offers to buy forced to get rid of him.

2.) Henry Ziegland
Why is bad luck:  He was killed by a bullet wedged in a tree for 20 years!

In 1883,  Henry Ziegland  split with his girlfriend. Her distraught he committed suicide. Her brother, angry about his death began to accuse Ziegland as perpetrator of the loss. Even went a step further, since he decided to kill Ziegland.
The brother of the girl went home  Ziegland and after the  shot, then turned the gun on his head and killed himself. Unfortunately for his brother, the bullet went from scratch Ziegland and ended up stuck in a tree trunk. Lucky, right? 20 years later, Henry wanted to cut the tree, and since it was unable to do himself, he used dynamite. Score:
The explosion propelled the bullet from the tree straight in his head Ziegland, killing him instantly.

3.) Violet Jessop
Why is unlucky:  Passenger ships in 3 wrecked!

And what ships ... the  Vailet Tzesop , an employee of  White Star Line  , which built its sister ocean liners Olympia, Titanic and the British began their sea travels to Olympia. On the journey on October 20, 1910 OLYMPIA collided with the ship Hawke.
Two years later he said to travel with the Titanic, with the known results. 
Finally, in 1916 he served as a nurse at the British Red Cross, which sank in the Aegean Sea after colliding with mine. 
Paradoxically, Tzesop saved to both wrecks and eventually died at the age of 84 years of opposition.

4.) Roy Sullivan
Why is unlucky:  She was hit by lightning 7 times!

The probability of a hit man by lightning is one in three thousand.According to the theory of probabilities, the probability of being struck seven times their product is that one in seven times 22 million. And yet, this was the "lottery" shot by  Roy Sullivan , a ranger at the National Park Senantoa in Virginia, USA. 
Some scientists say what the misfortune of Sullivan, due to the nature of the profession and weather conditions in the area.However, those who are knowledgeable of the natural environment can best avoid hazardous natural phenomena.Sullivan was not in them.

5.) Robert Todd Lincoln
Why was unlucky:  He was present in 3 killings of American Presidents

The son of President  Lincoln, Robert Todd , was just 21 years old when his father was murdered on April 15, 1865. 16 years later, in July 1881, while Minister of War diatelouse for just four months, was summoned by President James Garfield accompany him on a trip to New Jersey. Before boarding the train, a man approached them and shot Garfield in the back. After 80 days expired. 
And because two presidents are never enough, Robert Lincoln was present and in the assassination of President William Mc Kinlei on September 6, 1901. Although not witnessed, were the next room and heard the shots. President Mack Kinlei died eight days later.
After the three murders, Lincoln rejected any invitation from U.S. President stating that "there is an alarming mortality in any presidential event is present." It took the evil one.

6.) Jason and Jenny Cairns-Lawrence
Why is unlucky:  In any city decided to go on vacation, were a terrorist attack!

If you know what tech couple to come vacation in your city, you better leave you vacation somewhere far away .. On 11 September 2001, Lawrence took a vacation in New York. The terrorist attack on the Twin Towers was a lifetime experience for most tourists who were there. For  Lawrence , however, not after four years later, on July 7, 2005, were in London. The bomb attack on London Underground was the second terrorist attack on the "career" them.
Rare but not impossible to say. Of the thousands of tourists who were in New York, many Londoners were and some of them were in London in July 2005 .  How many, however, of them were in Mumbai in November 2008.
You guessed it. Two. Jason and Jenny did a hat trick and decided at that time for people to spoil, will make holiday. And they did!

7.) Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Why is bad luck:  He was present  and  in Hiroshima, but  and  in Nagaski during the bombing!

Born in 1916,  Tsutomu Yamaguchi  traveled to Hiroshima in August 1945 for business reasons. On August 6 and while descending from a tram saw a great glow of the skyline.Temporarily blinded and corrupted the drums went to a shelter and returned home in Nagasaki. Three days later while trying to explain to his boss because it is difficult to sell cars in a city that has been flattened by a nuclear bomb, the  accepted and Tsutomu second attack. Another bomb flattened Nagasaki.


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