
Tips to remember in mind while in online shopping

With increasing popularity of internet, people are using the medium for shopping as well. One can now literally shop from their groceries to expensive items online. It gives them the ease to shop from their comfortable house at any time. Now there is no need to travel all the way to the stores or worry about the store timings or weather. Whenever you feel like just connect to the internet and start shopping. Shopping online also offers you products from all over the world which may not be available in your area, state or even country. There is a myriad of online websites where one can shop from but all are not genuine. So, one must be a little careful.

10. Make sure the website is secured

Before making any purchase, make sure the website has some necessary certificates. The most important of all is the Secure Sockets Layer or the SSL certificate that encrypts all your data on the website. The websites that have SSL will have a URL that starts with https or have an image of a lock at the bottom of the browser.

9. Search for the website's background

there are a number of websites that claim to offer up to ninety percent discounts to entice the users. Do not get allured by such offers and make sure that the site you register on is genuine. You can read about it over the internet where you will get some reviews by the previous customers too.

8. User Name and passwords

It is always advisable to use your name as username instead of your email address. Using a separate email address for such websites would be an added precaution. Also, if the website has issued a password change it after first use.

7. Payment options

It is always better to choose the e-wallet services for payment. If the website does not support that then choose credit card over debit cards as they are more secured.

6. Never Send Payment Information via Email

Make sure that the website offers secure mode of payments and do not reveal or send your personal information via email as emails can be read by other unwanted parties.

5. Do not check remember my password option

It is not secure to perform any kind of online transaction on any other system. If you are using someone else’s system then never save your passwords. Even when on your system, never check remember my password option as some hackers can easily retrieve these saved passwords with the help of malwares.

4. Check your Card Statements regularly

As rightly said precaution is better than cure. Be cautious and keep checking your card statements on a regular basis and ensure that you verify all the transactions listed in the statement. Do not ignore the smallest of transactions as fraudsters generally make small transactions to verify the stolen details. If there is such activity, get the card blocked at once.

3. Privacy Policies

Make sure that you are clear with all the policies of the website about how they will use your personal information especially the details related to funds transactions. It is advisable that you provide the least amount of personal information that is asked for.

2. Check Terms and Conditions

The moment you visit the site and decide to shop something, read all the policies of the website. All genuine website enlists their terms and conditions in detail. The return policies are also mentioned that whether the website holds a return policy or not. If you suspect something, leave the page immediately.

1. Separate Card

This can be an added security measure by maintain a separate card for shopping online on such websites. The limit on this card can be set to lowest possible. You should try to have a separate card for shopping and always load minimum amount that is enough for your shopping.


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