
Successful Directory Submission

Every webmaster wants a link. That is not surprising because the links from other sites is not only a source of traffic, but also a very important factor that helps a website to rank well in search engine results. 

Apparently submit your site to web directories is one of the fastest ways to get links, but getting listed is sometimes much more difficult than it seems. 

The problem is that web directories are swamped by a large number of submissions of low quality: a poorly designed web sites, web sites with no original content or is made only to display advertisements and so on. 

For this reason the directory editors review hundreds of sites per day and only received according to a set of very strict guidelines. There are days, and I speak with personal experience, when more than 90% of shipments were rejected, in many cases even without visiting the site just as poorly written submission. 

If you want to increase your chances of seeing your site listed, it is important to understand what you are required to provide information about your site and how to properly submit them. 

At least the title, description and url needed by all the directories. 

Website title 

Directory has more or less strict rules about what can or can not have it as the title of your site. 
Some allow only your official domain or company name, others are more liberal. 

In any case a good title should not exceed 4-5 words. Using a long list of keywords as title (keyword stuffing), excessive repetition and improper punctuation should be completely avoided. 

Description of website 

Many sites are rejected because they do not fit the description. Description is not advertising and should never contain superlatives or excessive marketing hype. 

Directory listings are usually searchable by words contained in both the title and description so general keyword used to find your site should be included in the description of your site. But always write 2-3 complete sentences that sound natural does not make you a description of a long list of keywords. 

Website URL 

You will say that people should at least be able to properly submit their own web site url. If you work as an editor of the directory for a while you'll change your mind! This happens quite often that a site is rejected simply because the wrong type in the url. 

Never type your site url directly into the submission form. Test in your browser, save it in a text file and copy and paste from there. 

Each directory can have some other specific rules, so be sure to carefully read the submission guidelines and adhere to specific requirements. 

It says that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression: the editor reads the directory information you submit before visiting your web site. Learn to properly write your posts and you will greatly increase the chances to have your website received.


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