
The 10 weirdest animals in the world...!

By the same logic that nature did not create all people the same one to another, so the animals are frequently found variants of a species and varieties so weird and original that exceed the limits of imagination.These animals are rare, mostly, and endangered species, which scientists only discovered in recent years and managed to shed light on their existence.

Strange, that, animals that talk from any biodiversity, some are mammals, are other reptiles, or fish, and of course much more than the 10 that we chose today to show you. These 10, however, is really strange, not only in appearance but rather their potential for self-protection, foraging and reproduction. Their struggle for survival is the most remarkable and admirable on them and for this they deserve our attention.
10. Cantorii Pelochelys
Cantorii Pelochelys

Not so long ago that scientists discovered that the rare freshwater turtles in the Mekong River in Cambodia. This huge turtle, with unusually soft shell can in life to reach and 50 kg weight and get closer than 2 feet long. But it is a bit unlikely to encounter anywhere. The Cantorii Pelochelys, to guard against predators spends around 95% of life's located deep in the sand with only eyes and nose protruding.There is however boggler as it sounds.
The turtle has large claws and can extend far and wide neck speed, when needed, and the powerful jaws of a bone to shatter. Scientists, in fact, said they have seen faster response in an animal, even compared with the cobras. The discovery gave a very optimistic message, that they have lost all the rare animals from the planet.
9. Mara (Indochoiros, rodent of Patagonia)
Mara (Indochoiros, rodent of Patagonia)

Very large rabbit very small ass. The Patagonian Mara, is actually a rodent that lives in central and southern Argentina. Prefers arid grasslands and desert scrub, and feeds mainly on grass. Interesting is the fact that it is kind of monogamous, mating for life that, while the male always follows the adventures of the female in order to protect it from other males.
The lifespan in captivity is 5 to 7 years while some may live as 10 years. To see for yourself, you should visit a zoological park in Argentina.
8. Saiga antelope
Saiga antelope

It is the antelope alone strange animal, the species Saiga, one of them at risk of extinction as a few in the organization IUCN, is a truly remarkable, but are otherwise cute mammal. It is estimated that the total number of Saiga on the planet is approximately 50,000 today, most of whom live in parts of Russia (Kalmykia), Kazakhstan and in two remote areas of Mongolia.
The height ranges from 600 to 800 cm and weight 36 to 63 kg, while life expectancy does not exceed 10 years. The male saiga are larger than females and have antlers, which are used in a traditional Chinese medicine, so it is threatened by poaching. Interesting is the fact that the Saiga dating from the Ice Age!
7. Giant Myrmigkofagos
Giant Myrmigkofagos

The name says it all. This creature, although not as gigantic (about the size of a golden retrievers), created by nature to consume vast quantities of ants and termites (approximately 35,000 a day). Nails, length 10 cm, is so powerful that they can dissolve petrified "mountains" of termites and eat them.
While huge, bushy tail, allowing it to balance on its hind legs when digging for food. And the long, sylliptirio nose, the tongue stabbing facilitate myrmigkofago to have access to food. The strangest thing about this mammal that walks in front of the two joints, and nails are turned inwards and over the ground. This helps to keep a very sharp for the main purpose: the digging. Myrmigkofagous will see the forests and savannas of Central and South America, particularly in western Brazil.
6. Rabbit of Angkor
Rabbit of Angkor

It took its name from Ankara, Turkey where protovrethike and is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit known for its long, soft coat.Today, however, not one finds only in Turkey but there are many variations. In mid 1700, the rabbits were considered very popular in the royal circles of France, while this trend spread to other parts of Europe. So far, the Angkor rabbits that differed little between them found in England (as the photo), France, Germany, China, Switzerland, Finland, etc.
Rabbits are bred especially for extremely smooth their fur, which must be sheared at regular intervals, perhaps every day, not swallowed by the animal and thereby damaging his health. The animals are gentle by nature but not recommended as pets for those who can not take care of regularly, because their fur is very dense and he is constantly combing. Their weight ranges from 2 to 3.5 pounds.
5. Long-eared Jerboa (kagkouriki)
Long-eared Jerboa

OR else, the Mickey Mouse of the desert. Because how else can one describe this tiny nocturnal rodent with long pontikisia tail, long hind legs that help it jump up and away like a kangaroo, and extra large ears. The jerboa is available in some remote desert would say, parts of China and Mongolia, a high percentage of them survived in protected areas of Mongolia.
Very little is known about this strange species, apart perhaps from the special protection required for this, according to EDGE, and more research should be conducted after the first video was released a year ago and shows it in everyday life.
4. Nudibranch (sea slug)

The most common name "sea slug" is too prosaic to describe these impressive creatures, with their gaudy colors, the strange shape and megalofyos resilient structure. They estimated about 3,000 different species of sea slugs, which live on coral reefs around the world. The identification and photography are among the most favorite hobbies of scuba divers who are there. The strange being that the colors and shapes can you make me baffled:
Some are striped like tigers, others are covered with dots in neon colors, others have plush horns, other respirators to swing or spines removed with another color and we are thin and wavy like a leaf of lettuce. One thing is the message we want to pass it to the show: Eat with your own responsibility. Why all these beautiful colors found in their body is actually toxic poison that kill ...
3. Platypus

Some characterize it as the most strange animal on the planet.However, we chose to give him third place, partly because now polyfotografithei much discussed and, secondly because ... you have not seen the other two. The platypus looks like a creature created from different parts of other animals. With straight, beaver tail, fins and fur seals that recall, and a large beak of ducks, no surprise that the platypus did the scientists who first examined him be resented.
Believed, even momentarily, that this species was a bad joke or a genetic experiment. And if you think looks weird, learn about the reproductive system: It is one of only two mammals on the planet that lays eggs! (The other is the echidna, native to Australia). Where do you see? In rivers and lakes with moving waters of southeastern Australia, while a more confident face-to-face meeting, you can book a guided excursion to the area with the Platypus Eco-Tours.
2. Star-nosed mole (mole tipped starfish)
Star-nosed mole

The Mole with strange noses live in areas below ground and feeds on small invertebrates, aquatic insects and worms. He is a good swimmer and can seek its food in the bottom of lakes and streams. Like other moles, the creature that digs shallow surface tunnels to find food, which often lead to tunnel under the river water. The highly sensitive nasal tentacles are covered in with about one hundred thousand sensors to protect and help the food.
The way up, indeed, is the more surprising as it appears when born as a swollen face, which at some point in life opens like a star around the nose. You will find in eastern Canada and northeastern U.S..
1. Anglerfish (kalamidopsaro)
Anglerfish (kalamidopsaro)

The kalamidopsaro got its name from its characteristic method of attracting its prey, through this bulge, part of the skin (antenna), the head of which acts as a lure. The kalamidopsara also needles protruding from their heads and move in all directions. The antenna on his head kalamidopsarou has the ability to mix in order to look like a smooth way to attract other predators as bait.
The kalamidopsara live mainly in deep oceans where not enough sunlight. This method of attracting their prey based on the fact that the "bait" to the central antenna head is bioluminescent. Life, however, for kalamidopsaro not easy, considering that this is a rare and large fish, not easily find mate to mate. And because most kalamidopsara with the antenna on his head (as the photo) are females, and males respectively are rare.
So the only way to fertilize is to carry some "pests" on them, which-to the surprise of scientists who protoanakalypsan-seem to be remnants from male kalamidopsara. Completely self-sufficient, ie, these ladies.


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