

Strange Skulls...

Occasionally discovered around the world some very strange archaeological findings ...
which cause a lot of questions about their origin. The conventional history - Archaeology and the so-called "common sense", we forced the incumbent to follow throughout our lives, accept that man simply evolved from ape to a long period of millennia and won himself the knowledge and technology To reach the current edge of civilization and the human spirit.
Of course all this so long evolution and humanization of the monkeys were not alone on planet earth and has never had contact with other senior and most technologically sophisticated (or spiritual) beings.

Moreover the establishment has managed to ridicule all reports and any theory which escapes from the axis of the ape evolution - hominid - man. Sometimes serious scientists have fitted on the topic with different opinions from the status quo, saying that previously existed and lived among men a much superior beings which taught the basic culture of mankind and moved scientific knowledge. Of course these ridiculous scientists as heretics and expelled from any positions held after daring to challenge the ruling and always infallible (like the Pope dld) scientific community. These "heretics" but scientists have not drawn these conclusions from their minds . It woke up one fine morning writing a book and saying what they said. Somewhere supported research and definitely had evidence or even indications of what they were saying. But this opens a big business. The capital of the archaeological finds that simply do not match what he says the conventional story. These are thousands and are found in every corner of the globe. Some are so strangely that did not fit the mind or the more "Lost One" man. The dating of many finds we go back millions of years since, as we say, the man ate acorns on the trees. Apart from rare exceptions, these findings are buried in stores and museums or universities are not exposed to any showcase archaeological museum. But why this happens; Why do we hide these findings; I think it would not change anything in the lives of most people if we learned tomorrow that eventually there were some other creatures that lived on earth in the distant past and simply do not live now (or so we think). Nothing would change in everyday life we all simply because it concerns the past of mankind. Imagine coming out tomorrow Obama on television and announced that the Taliban have nuclear weapons and threaten to hit them with some countries. Panic would prevail and will affect the lifestyles of all people on the planet due to the measures to be taken and of course the fear that nests in all of us whether we set an objective one. But this is something that concerns the present and our future. Direct concern to us because it has to do with our lives and the lives of other people who live together on this planet this time. To admit, therefore, the scientific community there in the past few different beings from us will not cost us much. It will not affect the minimum way of life and instead to learn something we do not know. But does not want to show us that something we do not know because it suits some people; Who does not interest and what those who have literally silenced the science community, imposing the junta regime in what we say and what not, is a big issue of course I will mention but in my future article. What we are concerned This article is in the strange skulls "beings" that are found in many parts of the world and most are kept hidden from the prying eyes of the public. I managed to gather some pictures of them and you present them here. I do not know if they are found in Greece similar skulls but I have my file numerous reports of skeletons "other" creatures found here, such as giants, who will quote an article already brew. Do you know that apart from the skull found in Bulgaria (the first photo below), which is the most recent finding, and studied by scientists who said they did not know what it really is, all other skulls but have been studied by very many simply "there"! The reason there is why "IT easier to have approved that there is nothing than to PROSPATHISEIS EXPLANATIONS TO THE EXISTENCE OF". Karyofylakis John.

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