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During the exam results time , suicidal tendencies among students is high. Here are some tips on how to manage anxiety attacks in the time of examination results.

How important is it to discuss the expectations of parents with the child?
First, parents should have a relationship based on trust and understanding with their children. proper communication with parents help children cope better with stress. The fact that the performance of a child is assessed not only by parents but also by neighbors and relatives makes the situation even more difficult. Parents should encourage children to make the best of their ability to exams, but once the results are stated, they should accept them. Should not set goals unrealistically high.

What motivates students to take extreme measures?
Competition in India is much higher than  in developed nations. Often parents think good education is a passport for a secure life. The expectations of parents often fail to capture the potential of the child. If there is a large discrepancy between expectations and performance, the child will be disappointed and may resort to an extreme step. It  is important for parents to do a real check on  the effective capacity of the child.

If the child gets low score, how should the parents handle it?
Instead of saying that he or she is disappointed, talk about why the child performed badly. The parents and teachers should talk freely with the child. Students should also have a clear idea about their potential. Parents should talk with children and analyze the reason for their poor performance.Comparing the scores of siblings should be prevented. Exams often assess the capabilities of the student's memory. It is not based on his problem solving skills. So it is important to keep in mind that students who did  not score in exams, may perform well in jobs.

What are the warning signals that parents should watch out for?
If your child shows a sudden change in his behavior, then you should be careful. If your child is depressed , get professional help. Some students may not be able to handle stress and may resort to  anti-social behavior. They may even become violent. Try to talk with the child out of the depression. Single parents may have difficulty managing the child. He/she may need the assistance of a Mentor.

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