

LADY DAY The most bizarre mummy in the world are in China...!

In 1971 the Chinese authorities decided to build a war shelter in the city Changsha, after a few days digging tools fell into a tomb from Dynasty IAN! There have expected when they discover the tomb to find a mummy which puzzled the experts today! They found more than a thousand objects perfectly preserved corpse that came with the mummy. Until archaeologists found the mummy which he called Lady Day ... ... ..
When the archaeologists decided to move the mummy were surprised by the flexibility which had her body! When transferred for autopsy and examination there came another surprise and a mystery that can not be resolved by experts today. The skin around the mummy's body is soft as the day he died, the internal organs like liver, lungs, stomach, heart, etc. are all in place until the blood that was inside was intact and was not affected by time! found in her stomach from melon seeds that had consumed before his death where the seeds were and are in perfect condition like had consumed at that time! Even more curious is the flexibility of the limbs, while all other mummies have rigor mortis, that I could not move their members such as when a person dies this mummy did not seem to have this effect even more provlimatizontas all special All the areas that looked .... Her blood group A mummy is + but more incredible is that flowed in the veins but also the rest of her body ... ....This mummy was once the Zin Zoui woman Khan who was a leader in Day, all specialists dealing with mummies consider it as the best preserved mummy in the world with age has. The woman died at between about 178-145 BC age 50 to 55 years. The experts have to figure that since Chinese embalmer did not use the technique where did the Egyptians mummies to remove the internal organs, but to immerse the body in a special fluid! This is incredible because the Chinese alchemists can not was famous as the Europeans but has proven atrantachta they had secrets that will envy all Western alchemists! You tell me how can alchemists existed before 2000 years in China? China is a vast country with many hidden secrets, remember that the Great Wall was built 1500 years BC and is the only project that seems artificial from space! Perhaps 2000 years ago not to called alchemists may be called magicians or mystics, but the whole thing with such strange mummy believed to do with alchemy or a kind of alchemy ... ..the secrets of Chinese magicians, alchemists, and even the mystics come slowly to the surface. China has a huge legacy of an ancient culture equivalent of Greece and Egypt, it has nothing to envy from other countries, is a land of many mysteries that come from the past of this country but also has mysteries that exist today . A final problem trying to solve the Chinese archaeologists is that they buried the woman naked! I personally do not think would ever make sense of how and why the Chinese were and are a people who when he wants to hide something done with great success especially when it comes to issues that have to do with ancient or modern mysticism ... ... .... To be a little more intense mystery a few miles from this tomb were found two other tombs, where in two mummies were found in the same situation as Lady Day!!! One was a judge named Sui, while the other mummy is a woman named Ling Huiping again where this woman was a powerful ruler of the dynasty of Han!!! Apart from National Geographic have been made ​​but five special reports on the mummy of Lady Day from China and from New Zealand and raised in many countries of the world! The latest discoveries in this mummy showed that he died of heart problems ... ... as for the liquid voutichtike to maintain so many thousands of years the Chinese mystics insist that this is the notorious <<elixir of immortality! >> ... ... .. her grave was found and the portrait of the woman who is in perfect condition where scientists have created a copy of it would be like to normal form. Nobody yet knows why the person has been so distorted ... ... ... Until the next time you are all well and remember. If you do not believe in something, not to say that something that is not!!!! http://

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