

Top Ten Famous Mummies

In the past when people died, their corpses were wrapped up for the purpose of preserving their bodies forever. Let us look at some of the most famous mummies of all time.

1. Elmer McCurdy
This man died in 1911 after a gunfight in Oklahoma. Because his body was not claimed, the undertaker decided to mummify him. However, a few years later, his brother came back and claimed it. Despite this fact, Elmer’s mummy was sold to a number of museums, haunted houses and carnivals.

2. Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin was born in 1870 and died in 1924. He was a significant political figure during the 20th century and was an architect as well. He was shot at but managed to survive in 1918 but over time, his health was hampered and he had a stroke in 1922. His body was mummified after his third stroke killed him. It can be viewed at the Lenin Mausoleum.

3. Saint Bernadette
Maria Bernadette was born in 1844 in France. Even though she was not officially mummified, she definitely deserves a mention. Her body is said to be incorrupt and can be viewed in Nevers at the Chapel of Saint Bernadette.

4. Juanita
Juanita is often referred to as The Ice Maiden and was discovered in 1995. She died 500 years ago after being frozen to death. However, her hair, her organs, blood as well as skin were perfectly preserved which helped scientists look into her life and those who lived around her. The mummy is beautiful and can be viewed at a museum in Peru.

5. Otzi the Iceman
This is a well preserved mummy of a many who lived over 53 centuries into the past during 3300 BC. The preserved body was found about 19 years ago within the Otztal Alps. He died due to severe internal bleeding and the mummy can be viewed at a museum in Italy.
6. Ginger
This nickname is given to that man whose body was naturally mummified. He died over 5000 years ago and has perfect blonde hair and fingernails that are still intact. Even though he is a natural mummy, one cannot be sure if it was intentional. It is believed that those who buried him carried out some preservation techniques on him which worked and his body was preserved forever. One can view this mummy at the British Museum.

7. Tollund Man
This is another natural mummy of a man who was alive during the 4th century BC. His mummy was discovered during the 1950s and was buried in a bog. It has been said that this is what preserved his body. According to research, this man hung himself because one can find rope marks on his neck and chin. The mummy can be viewed at a museum in Denmark.

8. Rosalie Lombardo
This beautiful little girl was born in 1918 in Sicily and died 2 years later due to pneumonia. Her father was so saddened that he approached a well known doctor at the time and asked him to preserve her body. She is so well preserved that it looks as though she is merely sleeping because of which she is often referred to as the “Sleeping Beauty”.

9. King Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun was died in 1323 BC. He was only 9 years old when he was turned into a pharaoh. His mummy was discovered in 1922 and is completely intact.

10. Lady Dai
Lady Dai’s tomb was discovered in 1971 by some Chinese workers. Her body had been so well preserved that her skin was still soft, her limbs could move and her hair was beautiful. However, her heart and arteries was clogged with fat.

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