

Top 10 Scariest Attractions...

Before you ask why somebody would voluntarily want to get scared, think again! There are many people all over the world who get a thrill out of getting terrified out of their minds. Most of them are haunted houses.

1. Borley Rectory
This haunted house in England got its reputation over 80 years ago. People complain about odd noises coming from within the premises and some have even reported seeing ghost-like figures in the windows. Ration tourists explain it away and blame the moonlight or the darkness, but we know better.

2. Dead Man’s Curve
If you travel on this street, you will not travel on any other. Why? Because you will die. Hundreds of people have had sudden accidents on this road and according to legend, five young people met with a very brutal accident during the 1960s. The only survivor says that a headless hitchhiker roams the street.

3. Kelly Road
If you are in Pennsylvania and you find yourself getting increasingly spooked with every passing second, you may be standing on Kelly Road. Visitors say that if you go there with an animal, it will practically lose its mind and bare its violent side. Do not go here and keep your pets away as well.

4. The Whaley House
This attraction in California is pretty haunted, one would say. The doors and windows open and close violently even when the air is still. The courtroom is particularly odd and if you happen to visit, you will smell phantom cigar smoke and hear funny voices. It is enough to drive anybody crazy.

5. Raynham Hall
Raynham Hall in England has been haunted for over 300 years now. A woman called the Brown Lady likes scaring tourists and visitors. People say that she has no eyes, just blank sockets. The scariest part is that somebody has taken a photograph of this lovely lady. You can always meet her, if you like.
6. Stocksbridge By-Pass
Another haunted street, this one was constructed 21 years ago. Little ghost-like children haunt this road and screeching noises can be heard when nobody is around. A creepy looking monk can be seen watching over their activities.

7. A75 Kinmont Straight
The fact that this street is fondly known as The Ghost Road should give you an idea of how eerie it really is. It is Scotland and people believe that supernatural entities walk beside them as they stroll about. Not too comfortable, but it can be fun.

8. The Myrtles Plantation
The Myrtles Plantation is haunted by a woman named Chloe who supposedly had her ear cut off during the 1700s. Quite a harsh punishment but then again, she was eavesdropping on her employers. Twelve other ghosts join her as and when they please, which is quite often.

9. Eastern State Penitentiary
Even though it is not known for sure, this prison is definitely haunted. Those who have been brave enough to enter say that it is as evil as evil can get. Some have even spoken to the dead inmates.

10. The White House
Many people don’t know that The White House is haunted. Presidents say that they can hear a lot of rummaging in the top floors. Some even say that a few former First Ladies can be seen floating about- those that have passed away of course! One president says that he actually saw Lincoln walking about, looking perfectly content.

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