

Top 10 Most Haunted Places in the United States

It does not matter if you believe in ghosts and the paranormal or not reading about haunted places has always seemed to hold a fascination for a lot of people. On television today there are many types of shows that show paranormal investigators investigating places that people “claim” they have seen apparitions, heard strange noises, and saw shadowy figures. There are even places where you can book a paranormal tour and be a part of the investigation. One such place that you can do this is at the Waverly Sanitarium, in Louisville, Kentucky and if you visit Tombstone, Arizona, scene of the famous gun battle at the OK Corral, they even offer a paranormal tour there. Here is the list of the top ten most haunted places in the United States and a little of their history.

1- Whaley House San Diego

Yankee Jim was arrested for grand larceny in 1853 and was hanged for the offense. He was too tall for the noose and reason was drawn out for more than an hour. Visitors have claimed feeling a sensation of tightening around their throats when they enter the house.

2- Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Fall River, Massachusetts

This is the place to visit if you want a full haunted experience. As everyone knows, Lizzie killed her parents with an axe. If you stay the night there visitors claim that they have been tucked into bed by an apparition of her mother. For breakfast you can have a recreation of Lizzie’s last breakfast.

3- The Sequin Island Lighthouse Maine

This lighthouse is suppose to be haunted by a former keeper who committed suicide after killing his wife with an axe. The story is that the wife drove the keeper insane by playing the same song over and over on the piano. Visitors claim that they hear whispers of the song being carried on the Atlantic Ocean breezes.

4- Gettysburg Pennsylvania

This was the site of one of the most brutal battles of the Civil War and visitor will often hear gunshots crack plus they catch whiffs of gunpowder. Some have even claimed to see apparitions of soldiers marching in formation.

5- The Alamo Texas

Plans to turn the Alamo into a prison in the late 19th century was abandoned because people have claimed to have seen apparitions of the brave guards who died protecting the mission.

6- Myrtle Plantation St. Francisville, Louisiana

This plantation boasts about having more ghosts than any other haunted place in the United States. The reason for this is that there were several paranormal factors that collided including a disrespected Indian burial ground, suicides, historical murders, and Civil War mortality. The grand piano is known to play itself inside the lobby of the plantation.

7- The White House Washington D.C.

Many staff members in the West Wing have said that they have felt the presence of presidential figures including Abraham Lincoln. Some have even claimed that they have heard Abigail Adams doing her laundry.

8- Eastern State Penitentiary Pennsylvania

Al Capone, who spent time here, claimed to have been the target of a resident ghost. Many other prisoners also thought it was haunted.

9- Alcatraz California

There are certain blocks of the prison that remain twenty degrees colder than other area which some people believe is because of tortured spirits are still lingering in these sequestered cells.

10- Bachelor Grove Cemetery Chicago

In the cemetery is a lagoon that was the favorite body dumping grounds and the area around it is said to be the heart of local black magic and dark rituals. When paranormal experts try to investigate the area their cameras mysteriously break down.

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