

Top 10 Drugs That Were Legal in Past

Drugs and danger of addiction go hand in hand. Apart from health problems and innumerous side effects, the intake of drugs can also pave the path to jail. The legal punishments depends upon a number of factors like the drug you intake, the area and its laws. The punishment can vary from a warning to a hefty fine or long jail sentence. However, the picture was quite different sometime back. Back then, a number of drugs were legal which are strictly restricted today. Not only that, some professionals used to recommend them, themselves. Let us have a look at ten of them.

1- Heroin

Heroin was actually devised as a non-addictive substitute to morphine in the year 1874. The name Heroin was coined by Bayer, the pharmaceutical firm that developed it. it was marketed even in the 20th century as a treatment for cough. However, the drug invented as a non-addictive alternative was far more addictive than morphine and was hence restricted in the year 1924.

2- Marijuana

Marijuana is derived from the cannabis plant was legal till the early twentieth century. the plant was put to a number of uses like medication and textile production. In fact some early laws forced the farmers to compulsory grow the plant. With the increasing addiction it was banned in the year 1913. Later in the year 1937 its use was restricted in medication too and finally in early 1950’s laws were passed that made the possession of the drug also illegal.

3- Ecstasy

Also known as NDMA, the drug was invented by the pharmaceutical company Merck in the year 1912.the drug was forgotten about until Alexander Shulgin put it into use for psychotherapy. It was legal till the year 1984 until it was used for non-medical purposes in the night clubs.

4- Peyote

The peyote cactus is used synthesize mescaline that is hallucinogenic in nature. It was initially used in religious ceremonies for years but was restricted in some parts of the US in the 1920s and continued for the next decade. However, it was banned completely by the Congress but the members of the Native American Church are allowed to use it only if state law allows them.

5- GHB

It is one of the most dangerous drugs around. Initially synthesized as an anesthetic drug used for child birth, it is commonly called the date rape drug today. The drug produces a pain reliving affect. It was listed as a federally controlled drug in the year 200. Recently it is approved to be used for the treatment of narcolepsy.

6- Opium

It is basically derived from the opium plant and is the dried form of the plants juice. It was used for medical purposes and was also legal to sell on the grocery stores too. But then gradually labors got addicted to smoking opium and also invented a solution of opium and alcohol called laudanum also gained popularity. It was used for pain relieving purposes until it was banned in the twentieth century.

7- Cocaine

Cocaine is derived from coca plant and was used for medical purposes to treat coughs and pain and treat morphine addiction. However, the modern form of the drug was introduced only in the 1860’s. it was banned in the year 1914 but was listed as federally controlled substance in the year 1970.

8- Methamphetamine

It was invented in Japan in the year 1893. It was used for the treatment of narcolepsy, mild depression, alcoholism, seasonal allergies and many others. It was listed as federally controlled substance in the year 1970 and now one requires a legal Id to purchase medicines that contains the drug.

9- Magic Mushrooms

Commonly called shrooms and is also known as Psilocybin mushroom, the drug is a kind of fungi more common in Asia. It was used for physiological treatments in the 1960s but was restricted in 1968.

10- LSD

It was used by the US army and other forces as the truth drug. The drug in a way brainwashes the other person and was restricted for all uses in 1970.

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