

The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World...

1. Ubari Oasis (Libya)
Ubari is a city in southwestern Libya, specifically in the Targa valley. Spread between the plateau and the sand dunes Messak Sattafat Idhan Ubari. Neighboring villages include Germa, and In Garran. Oasis water is salty as the Dead Sea and swimming is not exactly recommended because of residues.
The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (17)
2. Oasis Huacachina (Peru)
Somewhere in the middle of Peruvian desert lies a tiny settlement, complete with lagoon, palm forests, and a population of 100 people. For hundreds of years Huacachina, known as the “oasis of America”​​, was hidden deep green eyes arid desert. Today Huacachina is resort where family withdraw from the city of Ica, and tourists attracted by a new sport, sandboarding on huge sand dunes surrounding the oasis.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (16)
3.Oasis Ein Gedi (Israel)
En Gedi is the largest oasis on the west coast of the Dead Sea. The area was allotted to the tribe of Judah and was very famous during the reign of Solomon.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (14)The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (15)
4.Oasis Chebika  (Tunisia)
Chebika belongs to a collection of special oasis in northern Tunisian mountain range. May putţin famous than the rest of the oases, Chebika offers perhaps the most stunning visual experientţă. Where pop up mountains, Chebika dies. In most of the year, oasis sun exposed, hence the second name of the oasis: Qasr el-Shams – Castle Of The Sun.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (13)
5.Oasis Gaberoun (Libya)
Gaberoun is an oasis shaped around a huge lake in the Sabha, the Sahara desert. Many years ago, the oasis was a Bedouin settlement but was abandoned in the meantime. Lake water is very salty and swimming can be very pleasant. Nearby was a camp arranged tourist trips most favorable period for the October to May.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (10)The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (11)
6. Oasis Turpan (China)
Turpan, known as the “Tulufan” is an oasis city in the Xinjiang Uygur region, China. It is only 8 km west of the ruins of Jiaohe city, a border region, which was destroyed by Genghis Khan during the Han Dynasty.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (8)The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (9)
7.Oasis of Maranhao (Brazil)
This beautiful lake is located in Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhao, Brazil. It is a freshwater lake that collects from rain during the first six months of each year and then gradually evaporate and the water rises again next year.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (6)The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (7)
8.Oasis Herðubreiðarlindir (Iceland)
On top of the mountain Herðubreið in the highlands of Iceland, this oasis in the desert Ódáðahraun occurs. Created by the earthquake caused the volcano Trölladyngja.The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (5)
9.Oasis Timi, Sahara Desert (Niger)
Timia oasis located in the Air Mountains (northern Niger), is the most beautiful oasis in this country for a reason. Not only because it is a lake in the middle of the desert, with some palm trees, but the oasis is also lush with orange and pomegranate trees that are ready to be picked and eaten there (with payment of course).The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (3)The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (4)
10.Oasis Crescent (Сhina)
Gobi Desert defeated austerity is 6 km south of Dunhuang, where it has its place Crescent wonderful oasis. Despite high temperatures and especially the expectations of those who come here, water is not “swallowed up” in deep sands. Entertainment possibilities here include some exciting sports adapted to these conditions, is such “dune surfing”.
The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (1)The Most Beautiful Oasis in the World (2)

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