

Indian boy with parasitic twin

Deepak Kumar Paswaan: 7-year old with legs growing out of his chest

Eight year old Deepak Kumar Paswaan from India will finally have a normal childhood after his “parasitic twin” has been surgically removed. The boy who became known around the world by the nickname “oktopus-boy” is born with partially developed legs and arms of his undeveloped twin growing from his chest. The boy was stigmatized for eight years; by some he was perceived as an incarnation of God, while others thought of him as the devil in the human body. In order to allow the boy to have a normal life, four-hour operation of removing his undeveloped twin was performed in a hospital Fortis, the Indian city of Bangalore in June this year and boy is recovering successfully and begins to live a normal life.
The boy first appeared in the media in February when the shares started collecting money for an operation that would remove the extra limbs of a boy. “I’m tired of it to be different from other kids, I just want to live normally,” said Deepak after surgery.
Parasitic twin
Parasitic twin

Deepak Kumar Paswaan: 7-year old with legs growing out of his chest

The parasitic twin seems to have grown the same rate as the boy, so the boy has to carry the heavy weight of the twin with him at all times.
Deepak Kumar Paswaan: 7-year old with legs growing out of his chest
Sadly, the boy's parents earn less than $2 a day and can't afford the medical care needed for the removal of the twin. And no X-rays have been done yet to know how the twin has affect the boy.
This is not the first case of a parasitic twin in the region.

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