

10 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy iPad

Technology is increasing by leaps and bounds. Every day new devices are launched that completely surprise us by their features. Some of them even contain features that we must have never thought of. When smart phones were launched it brought a new wave in the market. It integrated features of your cell phone and your laptop. One step ahead of this was tablet PC. The tablets could be used as a secondary laptop with the ability to make calls with the same. 

Apple also launched its tablet in the market known as the iPad2. The product did have some really alluring features but then on a second thought was not worth the cost it was available for. Let us have a look at the top reasons for not spending your hard earner money on the tablet.

1- Processor

The iPad are made to run on Apple processors. One cannot use Intel or any other processors available in the market. The Apple processors are still to match the features provided by others in the market.

2- Camera

The iPad2 overcame one of the basic shortcomings of an iPad, the lack of camera. It contains two cameras, a front camera for video calls and a rear camera to click your pictures. But the quality of both the cameras is unsatisfactory. Considering the advancements in digital camera market, it is absolutely an insult.

3- Display

The iPad has a really bad display with a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. The iPad 2 was expected to contain a much better and crisper display with a retina screen but then it has the same display with the same resolution as its predecessor. The applications may perform better but are not visually attractive.

4- Lack of 4G

The speed at which technology is advancing, there is no end to how much and how many devices one can buy. The moment you buy one, it becomes redundant. Similarly, iPad 2 is the latest in the market but it still lacks integration of 4G technology that is just round the corner.

5- Flash

Flash has become really popular in recent times. Many websites contain flash content and some of them are built entirely in flash. However, Apple is still not sure about whether to support flash or not. This limits you to access a number of superb flash applications out there. As per Steve Job, there is no point integrating flash as the technology will die soon. But looking at the recent trends, the soon does not seem to coming soon.

6- Lack of external memory integration

The ipad2 does not contain a USB slot and neither it has a SD card. So you are limited to the memory that comes with the device. There is no way to extend it.

7- Battery

The ipad2 offers a battery backup of up to 11 hours. This may seem sufficient but it is actually very less compared to other products in the market on the same lines.

8- Design

The ipad2 is slim and sleek but the backside of the tablet has no sheet or rubber plugs that make it a little difficult to handle. However, you can now buy a dock as an accessory by spending a little more from your pocket.

9- Already have an iPad

If you already contain one then there is no need to spend your money on another. As, ipad2 contains only very little improvements over the previous model containing almost same features.

10- Lack of features

The iPad may be a new concept with a plethora of advantages like it gives you rest from carrying the heavy laptop or other things but its feature are quite limited. The tablet can only be used for watching videos, listening songs, checking emails or reading eBooks. But when it comes to features of a cell phone one cannot even forward a received message. So, if you want a tablet to entertain you with some basic features, this may be option to consider.

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