

10 Facts About Animal Abuse

Animal abuse means harming an innocent animal for various purposes. Remember harming an animal for self defense is not considered as cruelty but inflicting pain on them for your selfish gains is considered as animal abuse and countries are taking preventive measures to make sure it gets stopped. When you think of the term animal abuse, you think of an animal getting beaten by someone.
To have a better understanding of what I am trying to say, here’s a list of facts about animal cruelty which will shed some light on this serious topic.
1. Animal traps often kill animals which are not its targets like pet dogs and cats.
2. Each year more than 9 billion chickens are raised and killed for meat in the US and more than a billion animals are killed for making leather products.
3. Most of us love watching bull fights. But do you know that more than 10,000 bulls die in bull fights.
4. Young ones of goats are burned alive to make high quality hand gloves.
5. Elephants who provide you entertainment in circus shows are tied with chains for more than 14 hours a day. These animals live this prisoner lifestyle since they are born.
6. Glue traps cause terror and agony in animals which causes them to suffer for many months.
7. Cows are milked extensively to fulfill the desires of the human population. Because of this their calves can’t get enough milk for their proper nutrition and growth.
8. Dog fighting and cock fighting are illegal in all 50 states of the United States. Dogs who lose or can’t fight are often abandoned, tortured, set on fire, or beaten to death.
9. More than 3 million kangaroos are killed every year. Their skin is considered as the prime material for soccer shoes
10. To test the effect of perfumes, cleaners and various other cosmetics every year millions of animals are killed, injured or blinded.

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