

Top 10 Food One can Munch On a Train Journey

Train journey can be really annoying and boring especially when traveling alone. There are hardly a few options with one to kill time like reading books or magazines, taking a short nap, roaming in the train or chatting to the person next to you. But they can only help for short period of time. After that you are back to square one. So, one can munch something to do away with the boredom. Let us look at the top ten best things that will help you out.

10. Oranges

Oranges are the healthiest option we could find to place in our list. The vitamin C rich citrus fruit is loved by all. It is very useful as it is very beneficial as well as tasty too. One can carry oranges along or buy them mid-way. Just imagine yourself eating oranges while looking at the beautiful landscapes outside the window.

9. Carrots

another healthy option is carrots. However I am confused if it is a fruit or a vegetable because it is considered as both by different people. However, carrots are a great source of vitamin A which is very essential for the body especially your eyes. Just carry some fresh carrots and start munching them the moment you feel bored.

8. Grapes

Grapes grow on deciduous woody vines and the perennial. They have many utilities. They are used in making wines, jelly, jams raisins etc. They can be eaten raw as well. Grapes are very light to eat and are extremely nutritious. One indeed feels fresh and lively after having a few. You may have to be a little cautious while carrying them but they are worth the care.

7. Fruit Cakes

Fruit cakes are prepared from chopped fruits or dried fruits along with the use of nuts and spices. These are generally milk cakes only that contains fruits too. One can find a lot of varieties and flavors of the cake including mango, pineapple, vanilla, strawberry etc. The cakes are liked by all and you will not even know when you chew all the cakes slices on your journey.

6. Chips

Chips is mine personal favorite too. They are liked by all and can be found in anyone’s bag out on a journey. They are easy to carry and tasty to eat. They are generally fried but one can find roasted chips too in the market. They are available in different flavors also. You can take along different varieties and keep exploring new tastes on your journey.

5. Cookies

Cookies are another favorite to munch on your journeys. They are packaged and can be carried for very long journeys. Their low price tag makes them all the more favorite. Cookies are generally baked so are not so unhealthy. One must definitely carry them especially if you are traveling with kids.

4. Chocolate Truffle

Chocolates are loved by people of every age group. A chocolate truffle is a type of chocolate confectionery, traditionally made with a chocolate garnished center coated in chocolate or cocoa powder, usually in a spherical, conical, or curved shape. This will add freshness to your journey but remember you cannot store it for long.

3. Chewing Gums

Chewing gums are the most popular and known choice for passing your time. One can chew it any time even if not on a journey. It keep you busy all throughout your journey. The added advantage is that it acts as very good exercise for your jaws. What a healthy way to pass time.

2. Pop Corns

It is the most common items that is used all over the world. Pop corns are munched everywhere. In movies, on outings or at a party. They are made from corn. They are easily available everywhere and are extremely affordable. Since they are not fried, they are healthy too.

1. Peanuts

Peanuts are by far the best thing one can much. They are delicious, easy to carry and not at all pricey. One can prefer baked peanut or the roasted peanuts as per their liking. Today, peanuts are also available in different flavors.

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