

New human ancestor

Australopithecus afarensis

An international team of scientists found in Ethiopia and considered a part of the skeleton ages 3.58 million years, assuming that belongs to an early ancestor of humans, relative of the famous "Lucy" and oldest at about 400,000 years in relation to it.The fossil, which belongs to the same kind of hominid, which belongs to the "Lucy" in Australopithecus (Australopithecus afarensis), shows that walked upright, which means that upright walking, such as modern humans, occurred earlier than believed until now scientists. The discovery appeared in the journal PNAS National Academy of Sciences, the two leaders of the investigation, the Ethiopian origin curator of the Museum of Natural History Cleveland Johannes Haile-Selasie and Paleoanthropology Professor Kent State University Owen Lavtzoi under "Nature". The new hominid skeleton was found five years ago in the Afar region of Ethiopia, about 330 km northeast of the capital Addis Ababa. The fossil was named "Kantanououmouou" (meaning "great man" in local language), as it is a male with a height of around two meters, while "Lucy" (the first skeleton of Australopithecus found in the mid 70 and dating before 3.2 million years) had a height of only one measure. The researchers said the new fossil reveals much more information than the "Lucy" and confirms that when she lived longer, that upright walking was for well prevail. The oldest hominid ever found, also in Ethiopia, is Ardipithikos (Ardipithecus ramidus), dating before 4.4 million years and who had more bold monkey hands and feet, but the new Australopithecus skeleton did not have any more, having more human characteristics in the skeleton. Source: otherside

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