

Men Vs Women Survey: Topics You Should Avoid

Men Vs Women Survey: Topics You Should Avoid

As experts in their respective areas, two reputable sites (AskMen and Cosmopolitan) set out to discover where the gender divide falls. Whether it's marriage or sexting there are certain topics that are doomed to end in arguments between the sexes. Here are 10 of them.
1) Who gets screwed in divorce
78% of men believe that they get screwed in divorce court, while only 38% of women agree. 43% of women believe that the sexes receive equal treatment. 

2) Her weight gain
Almost 48% of men said they would dump their partner if she became fat. Only 19% of women would do the same to thier partner.

3) How hot her friend is
67% of men say they have fantasized about their partner's friend. Only 33% of women say that they have.

4) Sex for hire
76% of women say that it is never okay to pay for sex, but only 43% of men agree.

5) Whether size matters
81% of women said that they would not change the size of their partner's package, but 51% of men said that they would like theirs to be bigger.

6) Office romance
55% of men and 40% of women said that they would have sex with a coworker if the opportunity arose.

7) Who should take the pill
If a male birth-control pill were available, 68% of men say that they would take it, but only 55% of women say that they would want their partners to take it.

8) Who is more responsible
43% of women haven't even thought about retirement, but 29% of men have a financial plan.

9) What constitutes cheating
83% of women than men believe that "sexting" can be considered cheating, while only 75% of men do.

10) Is Marriage worth it?
68% of men believe that marriage is a necessary institution, while only 57% of women do. 

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