

Impossible time travel

Group ends the natural human desire for "walks" in spacetime Parisgroup of physicists from the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong argues that nothing can travel faster than that of light. This, among other things, means that time travel is impossible to make since for this to happen should be developed speeds greater than that of light.
The Highway Code of the Universe

The researchers demonstrated how even a single photon or a light beam can not move faster than that of light "obeying" so the theory of Einstein. "Einstein said that the speed of light is is Highway Code of the universe, or more simply: nothing can run faster than light. The research team led by Professor South Sengkvangk shown that a photon, which is the fundamental quantum structure of light, obey the traffic just as electromagnetic waves " said in a statement the university. The time travel theory if one signal sent at a speed greater than that of light will travel back in time. This possibility has gained a renewed interest in the last decade, several researchers experimenting with optical pulses could travel to so-called "super-light speeds spread" - ie they could move faster than light. It turned out that the observations were made these pulses was not merely an optical phenomenon but many scientists insisted on the possibility of time travel hopefully a single photon could run faster than light. Experiments Researchers in Hong Kong wanted to put an end to this issue and for this reason they decided first to measure the largest (final) speed that can develop a photon. The experiments showed that a photon can not exceed the speed c, of light in vacuum. " The study confirms Einstein's theory of causality, since an effect can not precede its cause. Our findings may open new avenues in the field of information transmission, especially in quantum computing "refers to the statement.

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