

The DARPA wants a machine that can suck all your blood

The budget of the Office of Advanced Defence Research (DARPA), USAfor next year includes funding for all kinds of crazy, new medical technologies for military medicine, the electromagnetic tissue reconstruction by a machine that can suck all your blood, to clean it and then to put back in place through your body.

The DARPA makes a great effort to reduce losses on the battlefield and throws a lot of money on new technologies to help soldiers recover from injuries as quickly as possible. The top-vampire is part of such a program, "Treatment of type dialysis, "designed to combat the blight, caused by toxins in the blood. Basically, DARPA wants a system that can filter up to five liters of blood at a time, to identify and remove bacteria, viruses, and poisonous and toxic materials and then returns the clean blood back into the body.In the drawing are also new autonomous diagnostic sensors that can discover both known and unknown diseases and offer quick and effective treatment, as well as technology regenerating tissue employing hordes of individually magnetized cells, controlled by electromagnetic fields to stimulate the creation of physical structures as "scaffolding" for the rapid healing of wounds. Another impressive project that somehow recorded in the medical category from DARPA, is to create artificial eye, which will see the same well with biological eyes of animals. It seems that the final result of the program Neovision 2 is small, electronic eye bulbs, which can learn and distinguish objects as fast humans and can simply be thrown into dangerous situations and to send back what they see. 
Furthermore, to throw bulbs eye left and right sounds a good idea to make fun

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