

Acne Prevention Tips and Home Remedies

Any skin disorder that is very apparent can prove extremely embarrassing and a trying experience for the sufferer. Everyone who is prone to develop acne would love to know a dozen effective ways to prevent it in the first place. Who wouldn't want to save face and another month or longer worth of painful self-consciousness? I have listed a number of practical ways to prevent another acne breakout from embarrassing you, and if despite your honest efforts acne still rears its ugly head, I also suggested a few effective steps for treating acne, naturally.

Acne Prevention Tips

Use a honey mask on a weekly basis. Honey is considered as a disinfectant and a great way for healing pimples. It can also kill bacteria found in your skin.

Cut your hair short if it's long. Hair has oil. When you are moving, dust particles often culminate in your hair, and as your hair touches your face, neck, or forehead, it can provoke acne or worsen an affected area.

Take a powerful multi-vitamin twice every day; the biggest organ-your skin
-requires proper nutrients to stay healthy.

Take vitamin A daily. It both protects your skin and prevents acne. Plus, vitamin A reduces sebum production.

Avoid over washing and rubbing or scrubbing your skin excessively. Acne is not caused by not washing or by having dirty skin.

Some people, especially students, have claimed that their acne grows worse when experiencing stressful situations. Advise: if it's in your power, cut down on stress

Drink 8 glasses of water everyday. Water helps to clean and hydrate the skin.

Avoid alcohol-based creams and lotions.

Either change or wash your pillowcase everyday.

Eat food rich in zinc. A deficiency in zinc may cause acne breakouts.

Add a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

When you are undergoing much stress, breathe deeply. It has been discovered that there exists a direct connection between acne and stress.

Exercise regularly, for it helps your blood to circulate and to remove toxins.

Eat a well-balanced diet to reduce the reoccurrence of acne.

Choose your cosmetics very carefully. Sometimes what you wear to disguise acne can actually turn out to be the root cause of a skin disorder.

Acne Home Remedy Tips

Put ripe tomato pulp on your pimples, and keep them there for as long as one hour. Next, wash the treated areas.

Apply the juice of raw papaya on your swelling pimples.

On and around your pimples apply fresh garlic. Pimples will fade away when this treatment is used regularly, not leaving a mark.

Drink wheatgrass juice; it can remove acne.

Create a paste from orange peel by grinding the peel in water. Then, apply this paste on and around your pimples. 

Acne is far from common diseases. Many of us struggle with this condition, it is not dangerous but annoying. Errors about acne are abundant, too. Hopefully this article will help you sort out fact from fiction.

Fact: Acne is caused by the oils secreted by the skin

Yes, it is true that one of the main components of acne is oil secreted by sebaceous glands, which are found in the skin of all mammals.

Fact: Acne is caused by clogged pores

Yes, dead skin cells and excess oil secretions combine to block the pores in the skin. These blocked pores then begin to grow the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. The body then may have an allergic reaction to this bacteria. These factors combine to cause an inflammatory response in your body, which is what we call acne.

Fiction: Acne is caused due to improper hygiene

Although it is true that acne is caused by clogged pores, better hygiene can not prevent acne. All the scrubbing in the world can not prevent the blocking or unblock the pores, due to blockage of well below the skin surface.

Fiction: Acne is caused by diet

While acne is caused by excessive secretion of oil, change your diet to remove greasy foods is unlikely to help. These oil secretions does not diet related, but hormonal control.

Fact: Acne is related to hormones

The cause of acne is largely controlled by hormones, so acne is often triggered by hormonal changes, like puberty. Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause excessive secretion of oil, and other factors associated with the causes of acne.

Facts Acne can be caused by drugs

Yes, there is evidence to show that acne can be caused or triggered by certain drugs or chemicals, including anabolic steroids, any medication containing halogens, and exposure to high amounts of chlorine compounds.

The exact cause of acne is unknown, but there are several theories. One is that tends to break out hereditary. If parents and siblings suffer from it, you can too. Another is that the hormones that surge through the body in puberty cause the sebaceous glands to increase in size and produce more oil. This leads to increased disability. Other causes include hormonal pregnancy, menstruation and birth control pills.

Although the exact cause of the skin condition is unknown, there are factors that can aggravate it. Squeezing blemish can spread bacteria and cause more break outs on your face. Excessive humidity and sweating can also spread bacteria and worsen the condition.

There are several myths about acne. Stress is likely to cause acne, but no. However, the stress you feel as a result of acne is real. Consider relaxation techniques, reading the Bible and prayer as a way to reduce this stress. Other myths include diet and having dirty skin.

Proper skin care can help prevent the spread of acne. Improper skin care can actually make the stain worse. Excessive scrubbing with harsh cleansers that dry out, causing irritation and can make acne more. Use a gentle cleanser no more than two times a day, if your skin is excessively oily, you can wash three times. Look for a gentle cleanser made for your skin type. Salicylic acid is a good ingredient to look for.

Do not use substances unless you have very oily skin. Astringents can dry the skin and make it worse. You may be tempted to skip moisturizer, but do not do this. Your skin needs moisture. Choose products made for people who are prone to acne. Look for oil lotion, non-free acnegenic.

Dermatologists can help with acne treatment. Topical ointments and oral medications can be prescribed for extreme cases. Many of these prescriptions can cause photosensitivity. You should always wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, if you go in the sun while using prescription drugs. For maximum rejuvenation, your doctor may recommend a chemical peel.

In the past, you can only have skin in the dermatologist's office. Now there are alternative treatments at home. Options esthetician is a medical grade skin that you can use in the comfort of your home. The main ingredient is Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) which is considered as the most effective skin peel product on the market. TCA is a toxic chemical that has been used by dermatologists for over 30 years to treat acne and other skin conditions.

Skin peeling of skin at a deeper level than can be achieved with most other skin care products. Easy to follow, step by step instructions allow you to make peeling easier at home. Options esthetician who only take minutes to apply. You may experience slightly flushed for a day or tow and will continue to peel the skin, reveals more clearly under the skin.

You will see results quickly, unlike topical ointments and medications, which can take months to see results. Use full strength to peel the skin more deeply, or you can dilute to exfoliate the skin surface. Visit to learn more about this amazing product, which is guaranteed to deliver the results you want.

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