

The 8 ... lazy ways to get flat belly

See how to get flat stomach without having to sweat a lot or spend endless hours in the gym. Interesting huh?

  And who would not want to have a flat stomach! However, the ideal diet and exercise program, it is not always easy for everyone. Fortunately, there are other, more ... wicked ways to look slimmer without fuss.

Experts tell us that the stomach is a part of the body that reacts quickly to dietary changes, for better or worse. So if you want to see results quickly, avoid gassy vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, etc., chewing gum, salt, carbonated beverages and any foods with sugary alcohols, which lead to fluid retention and bloating. If you eat normally, three large meals a day, better to reduce the quantities in half and eat smaller meals every two to three hours. If you want even faster results, see 8 ways to get a flat belly, sometimes almost overnight! 1. Stand straight, To stand straight and arched, can make you look more slender and handsome. But how do you practice? Try Pilates. According to a study in patients with back pain, Pilates is one of the best ways to improve your posture and strengthen abdominal and back muscles. 2. Wear flattering clothes for belly The right outfit can do wonders .... The stylists advise: a) Select the appropriate fabric: avoid vests, tires and other tight fabrics that emphasize and highlight flaws and bubbles. Choose woven fabrics such as cotton, silk or wool blends, which make the silhouette look more subtle instead emphasize your weaknesses. b) Prefer loose dresses with pleats, belts and pleats: it is some very good ways can raise their hands and feet if you are the best spots, pulling off the looks of your belly. c) Experiment with small projects such as florals and geometric, which tend to mask the abdomen. Wear a floral shirts with dark pants or skirt and kolakepste your silhouette.

3. Turn home an hour earlierso you are less likely to eat more the next day. Proper diet and regular exercise help to prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, but only if you get enough sleep. The little or non-quality sleep, increases levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, with levels of abdominal fat. There is a clear link between lack of sleep, increased stress hormone and weight gain. In a survey of Canadian researchers found that adults who slept an average of only 5-6 hours, were 35% more likely to gain above 4.5 kg and was almost 60% heavier around the waist, than those who slept 7-8 hours. 4. Replace the soda with a 'miracle' water cocktail A refreshing carbonated beverage may look best when you feel thirsty, but you should skip the soda if you want to get a flat belly, as this creates inflation. Drink at least eight glasses of plain water a day to stay hydrated. A tasty alternative is water with pieces of cucumber, lemon juice, mint leaves and mint and ginger, which calms and soothes the gastrointestinal tract. 5. Eat more whole grains and protein To prefer whole grains, by convention, is not only healthy, but can actually help reduce belly fat. Research at the University of Pennsylvania showed that people who ate whole grains lost more than twice that of abdominal fat, compared with those who did not. Whole grains reduce the production of insulin, a hormone that encourages fat storage, which makes easier to lose belly fat. Add another element to reduce abdominal fat, through foods that are rich in protein. In a study involving 60 men and women who followed a diet containing 25% of calories from protein lost almost twice the fat after 6 months than those eating a diet with protein 12%. Include a serving of lean protein in each meal-eggs breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch, low fat or fat-free milk or yogurt and grilled fish and vegetables for dinner. 6. Eat watermelon for dessert The amino acid arginine, rich in watermelon, could help in weight loss, according to a new study in the journal Journal of Nutrition.Researchers supplemented the diet of obese mice, arginine, for over 3 months and found that in this way decreased their body fat by 64%.

The addition of this amino acid in the diet enhances fat oxidation and glucose and increases muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat. Other sources of arginine are the seafood and nuts. 6. Add vinegar to your diet The main substance that gives vinegar its sour taste and odor, can combat the thickness, suggests new research presented at a recent meeting of the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science.In a study involving 175 overweight Japanese men and women, those who consumed a drink containing 1 or 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks had significantly lower body weight and fat than those who did not. The researchers believe that acetic acid is vinegar, can change the genes that may release proteins that break down fat. 8. Eat slowly when pressed, we tend to devour even healthy food. Studies have linked this behavior with larger portions and more belly fat. But experts believe that by eating more slowly, enjoying every bite and giving time to the feeling of fullness, can reduce levels of cortisol in combination with reducing the amount of food we eat and thus achieve a shift the distribution of fat from the abdomen.

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