

7 Unexplainable Human Abilities

Sometimes even the most human actions, such as laughing, crying, or dreaming can prove to be a real challenge for researchers. Let’s take a look to some unexplainable human abilities.

1 ) Sleeping
It is well-known the fact that sleeping is crucial both for people and animals. No one can resist without sleeping for a longer period of time. A lack of sleep may be a direct cause of ill health, behavior changes, hallucinations, ultimately leading to an earlier death. However, the subtle reasons for us having to sleep a quarter of our life are still unknown.

2 ) Laughing and Crying
We know why we laugh or cry. When someone is making a good joke it is impossible not to have a good laugh, or when passing through harder times and we are sad, we cry. It is known the fact that strong emotional states generate the secretion of endorphins creating euphoria and the need to laugh. But, how do we actually cry and laugh?

3 ) Déjà vu
Had you ever feel like you have already been in a certain place or that you have already met someone? Déjà vu is a French phrase meaning “already seen,” referring to the mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific circumstance before. Parapsychologists claim that déjà vu is based on experiences from another life, while psychologists believe that it is the result of a person’s imagination, wishes, and fantasies. Despite all the explanations, the cause and nature of this phenomenon are still unexplainable.

4 ) Mind and Synchronization
Mind synchronization is another mystery that scientists cannot explain. This type of mental connection or neuronal coupling, as scientists named it, has proved to be even more profound than intuition or coincidence, and more mysterious.

5 ) Dreaming
Another mystery that hasn’t been yet found is that of dreaming. The content and the purpose of a dream has been subject for speculation for many centuries. Why do we dream? Sigmund Freud believed that dreaming is an exercise for the brain through which the man lives everything that he accumulates in the subconscious, such as frustrations, emotions, or desires.
Researchers believe that dreams appear during profound sleeping through the stimulation of synapses between nervous cells. According to this, sleeping has two main stages, NREM meaning non-rapid eye movement, and REM, rapid eye movement. Researchers believe that sleeping in NREM is similar to hibernation, thus preserving energy, while REM sleep is based on memories.

6 ) Conscience
Two of the definitions of “conscience” in the dictionary say that it “is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action, and “the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual”. Since ancient times, people have been intrigued by this phenomenon: conscience. The fact that you wake up every morning knowing your name, recognizing everyone around you, your house and your street, and mostly that you don’t forget to breath is amazing. But, how does it happen?

7 ) Intuition
Besides the five senses we all know, there is a “sixth” one called intuition. The word intuition comes from the Latin “intueri” meaning “to look within”. It seems that this is a very valuable thing as Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, said, “The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days”. Intuition is also known as “gut feeling” and it represents the ability to know without using logical reasoning. This type of cases are difficult to prove making intuition an unexplainable ability.

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