

6 The heavier people of the world...!

The Kenneth Brumley was one of the heaviest people ever recorded. Featured in the documentary BodyShock the Channel 4 "Half Ton Dad" as a father of four children, who weighed about 468 pounds.

According to statements by Kenneth Brumley documentary was stuck in bed for four years. Once admitted to gastric surgery in a hospital in Houston Renaissance, firefighters had to break a wall at home Brumley to get him out. 
At the hospital Renaissance, the Brumley took a team of experts who had undertaken the Renee Williams, the heaviest woman the world at that time. The first step in treatment was a diet to 1200 calories per day, which made ​​him lose 76 pounds in just 40 days. 
After that, doctors removed two huge deposits of adipose tissue that had grown in each of the legs and hold them close (making it impossible to stand up). The first surgery lasted five hours, where fatty tumor removed from his right leg. It weighed only 19 pounds.After several days of recovery, doctors removed the rest of the tumor from his left leg, along with residual fat from the abdomen, with a total weight reduction of 95 pounds. 
After further loss of 5 kg of the diet, Brumley underwent gastric surgery. It is now 222 pounds lighter by 241 pounds and capable of standing for a few minutes a day.

The Rosalie Bradford (27 August 1943 to 29 November 2006) holds the Guinness World Record for most weight ever lost a woman. (B. 1944) of Sellersville, was weight about 400Kg, but believes that greater emphasis had been more than 500Kg.

It was already over 90Kg when she left college, Bradford became exercised after running seven miles three times a week, but kept a steady weight gain. When it was over 100 Kg underwent a surgery in the intestine, which caused serious complications. It was over 100 kg, when she married her husband Bob in 1973, and arrived about 200Kg after the birth of her son, as the weight increased, as did her appetite. 
He spent most of the 90 in bed, consuming 15,000 calories per day. It was not unusual for her to put the feet three large pizzas and the katavrochthisei within 40 minutes (with diet soda). For the most weight had reached a width of eight meters and caught two armed volume as king-size beds. 
"People would visit and sit in bed, not realizing that sat in a part of me," recalled. When he fell out of bed, rescuers used an inflatable cushion designed to overturning cars to go back into place.

After treatment as emfanise symptoms of heart failure, eventually persuaded by Richard Simmons to embark on a diet for five years, an experience he described as hell. Tortured by hunger, by fast-food commercials, and the dreams that he ate without limit, and still managed to get under 100 Kg, and broke world record for weight loss. Later the initial Complaint Star newspaper on rumors suggesting that there could have close relationships with her husband because he weighed more than half a ton.
The Robert Earl Hughes (4, Ιουνίου 1926 - d. July 10, 1958 in Baylis, Ill.) was, during his life, the heaviest man recorded in world history. 
His chest was 3.15 meters and weighed about 486 pounds. At the age of six years, he weighed 92 pounds, while the ten weighing 171 pounds. Until the time of his death, he weighed more than half a ton. 
On July 10, 1958, Hughes was recruited from measles, which soon developed into uremia, resulting in his death. He was 32 ​​years. 
It is often said to have been buried in a piano. This stems from a proposal that appeared in successive editions of the Guinness Book of World Records, which says, "He was buried in a coffin the size of a piano." While the gravestone of the states that was the heaviest man in the world 472 lbs. 
The Patrick Deuel (b. March 28, 1962), in Nebraska, was one of the heaviest people in the world. Was the subject of the documentary "Half Man Ton" series BodyShock of Channel Four, in which Rosalie Bradford gave advice after reaching a record 410 pounds of weight loss. 
The Deuel is a former restaurant manager. From one point and then did not leave the home for the accuracy of bed for 7 years. The highest weight was 486 pounds was. 
It was so thick that the wall of his bedroom had to be cut to distract him from his home. Then, moved hastily to the hospital with special ambulance had very wide doors and ramp. 
Submitted first gastric surgery since it was the best chance for permanent weight loss. A further removed a mass of fat. 
After 12 months, Patrick lost 260 pounds (570 Kg). After departure from the hospital, Patrick lost even more weight, reaching 170 pounds, having a separate managed to lose 318 pounds. 
Since then, Patrick took a fraction of the total weight lost and now weighs 193 pounds. 
The Michael Hebranko ( May 14, 1953) is a person who suffers from an extreme case of morbid obesity and is known as one of the heaviest people in the world. 
After his stay in St Luke's Hospital New York, threw his weight from 411 pounds to 90 pounds having reduced waist size from 290 cm to 91 cm in 19 months. All this, with the help of diet and exercise recommended by the coach Richard Simmons and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records for most weight loss recorded up to 1990. A Part of the weight lost after the surgical removal of fat presented. 
He made ​​many tours in the United States and participated in conferences in which recounted his experiences, urging people to watch his diet and some exercise. appeared in infomercials promoting Richard Simmons . 
However, seven years later, got up to 453 pounds and had to be hospitalized again at the Rehabilitation Center in Brookhaven. In June 1999, recorded the greatest weight Hebranko which was five hundred kg. 

Walter Hudson (one thousand nine hundred forty-four in Brooklyn, New York - 1991) is originally from Hempstead, New York and was the fourth most obese woman who was recorded in medical history. He also holds the Guinness World Record for the largest average. The ratio of the average remained at 3.02 m in 1987, when was the peak weight of 510.29 Kg. The diet consisted of the Hudson two boxes of sausages, a pound of bacon, 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, four hamburgers and cheeseburgers four, eight servings of fries, three ham steaks, two chickens, four servings of potatoes oven, four servings of sweet potatoes, broccoli and four. 
She would drink well on average 12 cups of soda with every meal. The Hudson made ​​her first appearance after the liberation of the room where the door wedged. It took 9 men to move to the enhanced bed. The comedian and nutritionist Dick Gregory helped Hudson to lose 90 to 360 pounds using a special diatrofologio called Bahamas. When Hudson refused to participate in making a videotape about diet and the results of the Gregory stopped to help. 
The Walter Hudson died in her sleep at age 47, weighing 510.29 kg, asking herself for years on a diet of starvation. Her death came a few weeks after announcing the date of her marriage. 

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