

10 Interesting Facts About Dating

10 Interesting Facts About Dating

  • Couples usually wait until six to eight dates before they are willing to enter into an exclusive relationship. 

  • Four out of 10 workplace dating relationships result in marriage.

  • Psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania studied data from over 10,000 speed daters and found that most people make a decision regarding a person’s attraction within three seconds of meeting

  • Studies show that men are put off by groups of loud women. If a woman wants to get a date, she should break away from a loud group to give a man a chance to approach her.

  • Body language studies show that revealing areas of the body that aren’t usually on display (such as the inner wrist, the inside of the upper arm, ankles, feet, inside calf muscle, and the nape of the neck) has an immediate effect on a date and shows an instant liking.

  • If you want to create an instant link with a date, say his or her name at least twice in the conversation. This shows attentiveness and connectiveness.

  • Studies show that remembering bits of information about a person and working them into conversations not only is highly flattering but also shows interest.

  • The appropriate time to call after meeting a man or woman is hotly debated among dating experts. Typically, the ideal time to wait to call is two to four days, though no longer than four to five days. Calling too soon can appear desperate.

  • Choosing exciting places for a first date increases the chances of the other person falling for you. There is a definitive link between danger and physical/romantic attraction.

  • Humans like mystery and “the chase,” so don't be too “available” to a date. Dating experts typically suggest not sleeping too early with a date because the longer the chase, the more likely love will blossom.

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