

The village will ... spared by the end of the world...!

A small village of 189 inhabitants in southern France, receives an actual invasion of every kind researchers, UFO enthusiasts and fans of the esotericWho believe that the village is the place where one can escape from Armageddon, lying at the foot tou.theoroumenou "sacred" mountain Bigkaras providing protection.

Hackers believe that a huge hole in this mountain have ... 

camp waiting for the aliens 'much-publicized' end of the world in 2012, before leaving the planet taking with them some lucky inhabitants of Earth. According to Jean Pierre Delors, Mayor Bigkaras in southern France in the last decade many people visited the area , after reports of UFOs and flying saucers sounds beneath the mysterious mountain. But the turnout now begins to take dangerous dimensions, with various sites advise people to seek refuge in Bigkaras, and begins the countdown to 2012. "It's no joke. If you come here tomorrow 10,000 people, we are a village of 200 people we will be able to cope. I inform local authorities about our concerns and I want the army to be ready if necessary to intervene in December 2012, "says the« Daily Telegraph »Delors, obviously concerned about the impending tsunami.
cunning "There are already websites in the U.S. they sell tickets for trips Bigkaras. Some very organized visits, prayers and meditation workshops, "said the mayor in another interview on radio RTL. The cunning seems to have lost no opportunity to ask and 800 euros per week for questionable courses mentioning various sects and the fanatic " ufologists' rushing to buy property in a nearby village, paying exorbitant sums. The intense activity has puzzled many people who share the concerns of the mayor. "Now you can do a quiet walk. It is a beautiful area, but now you find everywhere people who chant and meditate. Everyone is entitled to believe whatever he wants, but the place seems a stranger anymore, "says the« Telegraph », Valerie Austin, a British who settled Bigkaras 22 years ago. The challenge is great for the mayor is trying to put a brake on mania. But hardly one can wrestle with the rumors, legends and conspiracy theories, which has occasionally connected region. inspiration for famous films and books The "magic" mountain Bigkaras totaling 1,230 meters, was reportedly the inspiration for the classic book by Jules Verne "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and the famous film of Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the third kind." forums on the Internet one can find numerous theories and legends: the region of frequent appearances UFO sounds mechanical noises from the mountain, while the evening show mysterious lights. The satellites have detected large cavities and a huge vault in the bowels of the mountain without anyone knowing what is there and how to gain access. One version is some kind of underground "base" aliens. Rumors addition, authorities reportedly blocked access to the mountain without further explanation. The planes avoid flying over the area, because the institutions 'crazy', while there might be some space-chronopyli. Nostradamus had visited and talked about Bigkaras positive "vibrations." The mountain is said to be buried treasure enigmatic refers to Abba François Berenze Sonier. Other theories include the transfer of Francois Mitterrand in a helicopter to the mountain top, weird excavations by the Nazis and the Israeli intelligence service Mossad ...



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