

A 30,000 Years Old Caves...

There is a cave in France, which no man had gone for 26,000 years. The walls are full of fantastic, perfectly preserved drawings of animals, resulting in a chamber full of monsters to 400 feet below ground, where carbon dioxide and radon gas concentrations cause hallucinations.

Said  Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave , a truly strange and mysterious place.The walls contain hundreds animals such paleolithic bison and horses, but some of them should not be there, including lions, leopards, rhinos and hyenas. 
Some should not even exist, like animals that look like butterflies, cheimerikes half figures bison, half women. These may be associated with hallucinations. The trip is such that some archaeologists believe was a ritual nature, with people moving to a new situation and went down to the last chamber. 
Indeed, the plans themselves are such delicate work, some have three-dimensional topography, which is hard to believe that were so old. But radiocarbon revealed that plans are indeed prehistoric. A team is built around 27,000 to 26,000 years ago, and alli32.000 to 30,000 years ago. 
The cave was discovered in 1994 by three French cavers. Now you can visit. Not personally, but the next best way. The German filmmakerWerber Herzog has made ​​a three film about this.

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